
|其他   |




P1  a e d b c f i, g j j k h, n p s t, m o r q

P2  B C C B C, must must mustn’t mustn’t mustn’t must

P3  B B B B A 

P4  They don’t always write on the blackboard.

Do they always write on the blackboard?

She doesn’t read the newspaper in the evening.

Does she read the newspaper in the evening?

Mary doesn’t go to bed at about 9:30 in the evening.

Does Mary go to bed at about 9:30 in the evening?

My mum doesn’t often get e-mail form her friends.

Does my mum often get e-mail form her friends?

P5  from/in about past/to to over  G F E D A B C J K H I N L M

P6usually, seldom, never, sometimes, always, often, making toys, make cake, Excuse me,

would like, waste water

P7  B A A C A B C A A A    D C E A B

P8  My name, from, I’m, get up, past/to, from, to, to, ends, get home, do my 

homework, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed, How/What about you, Best wishes

There are four people in my family. They my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a teacher. He teacher English in a school. He like reading books. My nother is a teacher of Chinese. She like cooking. My brother is a little schoolboy. He is eight years old. He like playing games. I’m twelve. I like singing and dancing.

playing football, like collecting stamps, in interesting in sing, an interesting hobby, 

playing basketball

P9  B B A A B B B C A A    

P10  F F T T T   短文略

P11  C A B C B C A B A C

P12  B A A C A C B C A A

P13  collecting, has, fifth, to give, keep, leaves, carefully, doesn’t go, them, is reading

G C I H A B F J D E,  September ninth, hobby drawing/painting, glass juice, 

grandmother/grandma yesterday, How holiday

P14 A B A B A,  Three.  Father and son.

P15 Does, like, does, will go/is going,  Don’t shout, get, is, is running, runs, listen, finish, are, 

are having, does, did   May 1st, Sunday, 4:00 pm, My home

P16  C B B A A, No smoking. China.

P17 them, dresses, Turn off, twins’, two, T F F F T

P18  B C B B B

P19  What does Mr Li do?  

Where do they work? 

How is Miss Li going to work tomorrow?/ When is Miss Li going to work by car?

Is John a basketball player?

Does your mother work in a hospital?

Go straight along this street. You will see it on your left.

me, got, to , take, bus, stop

P20  over, there, road, off, stop, turm, That’s, OK,  B A A AC A

P21  E A B D C,  T F T F T

P22  F T T F T , 3 4 1 5 6 2

P23 was interesting/wonderful/fantastic/exciting , were at, Where was

born, plant trees, mustn’t, like you are, What about, What like It’s, 

Where along, don’t thing, Which bus

P24  B A G C F E









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