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九年级Units 10-12综合测试题eiv答案圈



A. 听单句eiv答案圈


1. (W) I wanted to buy spaghetti, but the shopkeeper had sold out all of the spaghetti.eiv答案圈

2. (M) Let’s cheer up the homeless children and have a party for them.eiv答案圈

3. (W) In China, people are supposed to shake hands with each other when they meet for the first time.eiv答案圈

4. (M) I feel so nervous. I was supposed to clean the room, but I forgot to do it.eiv答案圈

5. (W) I want to be a painter when I grow up. I like drawing a lot.eiv答案圈

B. 听对话eiv答案圈



M: Jane, are people in your country supposed to bow or kiss when they meet?eiv答案圈

W: Neither, Bill. We are used to shaking hands.eiv答案圈


W: Sam, I dislike rock music because the noise makes me uncomfortable. What do you think of the music?eiv答案圈

M: I’m different, Kitty. I enjoy listening to it. It always makes me excited.eiv答案圈


M: Oh, no, Mom, I didn’t take my backpack home!eiv答案圈

W: Are you sure that you left school with your backpack?eiv答案圈

M: Yes, Mom. I hung out with my friends at the park before I got home.eiv答案圈


W: Dave, you were supposed to arrive at the park at 8:30, but you’ve been late for half an hour.eiv答案圈

M: Sorry, Lisa. In fact, I started at 7:30. But the bus was too slow.eiv答案圈

W: Oh, I see. You should take a taxi here.eiv答案圈


M: Sue, were you in time for the concert yesterday evening?eiv答案圈

W: Yes, Jack. Although all the tickets had been sold out by the time I got to the theater, I enjoyed the concert finally.eiv答案圈

M: Wait! Tickets sold out? How could you get into the theater?eiv答案圈

W: Life is full of the unexpected. A man with a ticket couldn’t attend the concert. Then he gave his ticket to me for free.eiv答案圈


M: Turn off your computer at once, Mary! You should write your report.eiv答案圈

W: Why not let me do something to relax now, Dad? Today is Saturday.eiv答案圈

M: Well, I know it’s the weekend. However, you can’t always put off anything you should do.eiv答案圈

W: Sorry, Dad. I know what to do. By the way, could I watch TV for a while after finishing the report?eiv答案圈

M: Certainly. There will be a new movie on TV. I might watch it with you together.eiv答案圈

W: You’d better not, Dad. I’d rather watch TV alone.eiv答案圈

M: That will be OK as long as you like.eiv答案圈


W: What do you think of this apartment?eiv答案圈

M: Well, I really like the sitting room. It’s large and bright. But we don’t really need three bedrooms.eiv答案圈

W: I know two bedrooms are enough for a family of three. But we may have visitors sometimes. Besides, we can use the third bedroom as a play room for Sam.eiv答案圈

M: But don’t you think the kitchen is a bit too small?eiv答案圈

W: Honey, I think it’s big enough for us. We just prepare simple breakfast there.eiv答案圈

M: But we need to cook lunch and supper on the weekend.eiv答案圈

W: Well, I think it’s large enough.eiv答案圈

M: It seems you really like the apartment.eiv答案圈

W: To be honest, I really like the lake nearby.eiv答案圈

M: So do you want to rent it?eiv答案圈

W: Certainly.eiv答案圈

C. 听独白eiv答案圈



(M) Last Friday an earthquake hit two villages. One person was killed, nine were badly injured, and over two hundred villagers became homeless. A farmer said the earthquake began early in the morning and lasted for over one minute. He was in the kitchen with his family when he heard a loud noise. Then some parts of their house were falling down. When they climbed out, he found that one of his children was missing. He went back inside and found the missing child who was safe but terrified. A woman said that her husband had just left for work when their house started shaking. She rushed out with her sons, but they had no time to take anything. A few minutes later the house fell down. After the earthquake many soldiers went to the villages to help.eiv答案圈


(W) Mr. Brown lives in America and he has a big factory there. He is busy all the time. But when he takes a holiday, he always goes travelling. Last summer, he went to visit Moscow. He heard the workers there were paid much less than those in his country. And most factories went out of business. He wanted to know what it was truly like, so he went to visit a modern factory there. He went to the workplace in the morning. The workers were working hard when he went in. Soon it was time to have lunch. He went in the dining room. To his surprise, meat, eggs, milk and bread could all be bought there. Then he went to an old worker and asked him if he was happy with his life. The old worker said “yes” and told him that he had a beautiful house, a new color TV and a new car. “What’s your next wish, then?” Mr. Brown asked. “To buy a pair of strong shoes!” answered the man.eiv答案圈

D. 听填信息eiv答案圈


(M) Softland is a beautiful town. There isn’t a lot of traffic there. The town is famous for its blue sky and fresh air. The weather there is nice and warm the whole year, so trees and flowers grow well in all seasons.eiv答案圈

Softland is Mike’s hometown. His father grew up in the town. Mike’s father drove Mike to Softland last month. Every morning, Mike woke up with the songs of birds. Then he would take a walk or ride a bicycle along the country roads. Gardens were everywhere. Flower shops and coffee shops were also here and there on the way. Every night, Mike could see bright stars in the sky. And Mike would go to sleep with the smell of flowers.eiv答案圈

The five-day holiday in Softland gave Mike lots of surprises. Mike hopes he can go there again some day and spend more time there.eiv答案圈


(One possible version 选择题除外)eiv答案圈

一、1-5 BCBAA       6-10 CBCCBeiv答案圈

11-15 ABCCB 16-20 CCBBAeiv答案圈

21-25 CABBC          26. trafficeiv答案圈

27. holiday     28. careiv答案圈

29. birds      30. countryeiv答案圈

二、31-35 BDADC  36-40 BCDBAeiv答案圈

41-45 BADBAeiv答案圈

三、46-50 CADCB  51-55 DACCBeiv答案圈

四、56-60 DDCBA  61-65 CBDDCeiv答案圈

66-70 CAGDEeiv答案圈

五、71. supposed    72. changed    73. myself      74. weight              75. to                 76. buteiv答案圈

77. a                      78. joineiv答案圈

79. possible            80. remembereiv答案圈



81. The Frencheiv答案圈

82. The boweiv答案圈

83. Portuguese and Englisheiv答案圈

84. About ten to twelve secondseiv答案圈

85. “I agree” or “Maybe”eiv答案圈


Dear Mike,eiv答案圈

I’m happy to receive your email and tell you something about Chinese customs.eiv答案圈

There are many greeting ways in China, and the handshake is one of the most common ways. When in China, you’re always supposed to greet the elder or the person who is older than you first. If you’re invited to a Chinese home, you’re expected to arrive on time. You’d better bring a small gift to the host. When you’re eating at a Chinese table, it’s necessary for you to learn to use chopsticks. Remember not to point at others with your chopsticks. You should try everything that is offered to you.eiv答案圈

These are customs in China. I hope they are useful to you.eiv答案圈

Your friend,eiv答案圈

Wang Qiangeiv答案圈



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