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  • 关于手工地的英语单词怎么写

    手工地的英文:manuallymanually是什么意思:adv 用手地,手动地accompaniment manual伴奏键盘 manual intercept人工截断 This door is manual 这个门是要用手操作的。Factory Manual;Shop Manual;User英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 教你冠军称号用英语单词怎么写

    冠军称号的英文:championship参考例句:The lightweight championship轻量级冠军称号She won the crown in 1990她于1990年获得冠军称号。With this performance, she has notched up her third英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 地道的管中窥豹的英语单词怎么写

    管中窥豹的英文:[Literal Meaning]tube inside look at leopardto look at a leopard through a bamboo tube[解释]只看到事物的一部分,没有看到全部。[Explanation]to have a limited view英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 教你贯注的英语单词怎么写

    贯注的英文:be absorbed in; concentrate on参考例句:Devour with填满,贯注某种强烈的感情The stiff and attentive stance taken by a hunting dog 警觉的立姿猎狗所采取的僵硬而定神贯注的姿势But my wiry英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 常见的灌区改造的英语单词

    灌区改造的英文:irrigation district rehabilitationirrigation是什么意思:n 灌溉;冲洗(法)The rotary agitator irrigated him 旋转的鼓动者可灌溉的他。The farmer is irrigating in his fie英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 地道的管制的英语单词怎么写

    管制的英文:controlsupervision参考例句:Traffic controlled by red and green lights用红绿灯管制的交通Wastes which, as a result of being radioactive, are subject to other i英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 常见的贯彻的英语单词怎么写

    贯彻的英文:implementput into practicecarry out参考例句:to follow up a suggestion贯彻一项建议Implement the Important Thought of Three Represents in an All-Round Way全面英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 教你盥洗室龙头的英语单词

    盥洗室龙头的英文:lavatory faucetlavatory是什么意思:n 抽水马桶May I use the lavatory now?现在可以使用盥洗室吗?In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavat英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 关于贯通地线的英语单词怎么写

    贯通地线的英文:run-through earth cablerun是什么意思:n 奔跑,跑步;旅行;趋势v 跑步,奔跑;逃跑;参赛;行驶;运转;(使)流动;管理run the rapids 冲过急流 Run (or Hold) with the hare and hunt (or run) w英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 常见的手柄的英语单词怎么写

    手柄的英文:hand griphand holdhand knobhand leverhand shankrein参考例句:A small motorbike having a low frame, small wheels, and elevated handlebars 微型摩托车一种车架低、车英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 常见的灌区的英语单词怎么写

    灌区的英文:irrigated areairrigation districtirrigated是什么意思:[ irrigation ]的过去式;[ irrigate ]的过去式;[ irrigator ]的过去式The rotary agitator irrigated him 旋转的鼓动者可灌溉英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 教你手动的英语单词怎么写

    手动的英文:hand movement (HM)manually operation参考例句:In general, all automatic control functions must be capable of being operated manually 通常,所有自动控制功能必须能手动英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 地道的管用的英语单词怎么写

    管用的英文:(adj) useful参考例句:Saved by the bell?铃铛能管用吗?In the middle section the fixed idea reappears in waltz time, introduced by flute and oboe在中部,长笛和双簧管英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 教你管子的英语单词怎么写

    管子的英文:tubepipedrinking straw参考例句:Suck on the tube to draw up the water 用管子把水吸上来。Formed into or resembling a tube;tubular 形成或类似管子的;管状的。An obstruction i英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 关于手背的英语单词怎么写

    手背的英文:the back of hand参考例句:He buttocked his opponent onto the mat 他把对手背摔在垫子上。He took his arm from sonnys shoulder and slapped him, lightly, affection英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 关于惯用句的英语单词怎么写

    惯用句的英文:idiomidiom是什么意思:n 习语,成语;方言;风格It was an old building in the local idiom 那是一座具有当地风格的古建筑。This is a simple, direct, and useful interaction idiom 这英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 常见的贯通的英语单词怎么写

    贯通的英文:perforationrun-throughtranstransfixion参考例句:Most of British Columbia is mountainous, with long rugged ranges running north and south 大部分英属哥伦比亚多山英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 地道的灌肠虾球的英语单词怎么写

    灌肠虾球的英文:Juicy Prawn Ballsjuicy是什么意思:adj 多汁的;津津有味的;多雨的;报酬丰厚的Its a juicy contract 这是一个有利可图的合同。Have you heard any juicy news lately? 最近你听过什么有趣的流言没有? I英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 地道的灌屁眼的英语单词怎么写

    灌屁眼的英文:butt-chuggingbutt是什么意思:n 笑柄;烟头;靶垛;大酒桶;屁股;粗大的一端v 以头抵撞I was the butt of their jokes 我是他们的笑柄。He stamped his butt on the floor 他在地板上踩灭了他的烟蒂。He wa英语学习 -英语词汇

  • 常见的手电的英语单词

    手电的英文:【机】 flash light参考例句:Spread the Beam of the flashlight 露出手电的微光He shined the light on the water 他用手电照一照水面。spread the news;spread the beam of the英语学习 -英语词汇
